Sample Property Letters

As the name suggests, the property letter concerns itself with matters related to buying, selling, leasing, renting, making an offer to buy/sell/rent/lease, and legal issues pertaining to, residential or commercial property.

Examples of a property letter include the letter you would write to make an offer to a property seller . . . the letter of intent you would write the seller of a property you are interested in buying, renting or leasing . . . and the letter you would write a real estate attorney about matters related to the property closing.

A property letter must almost always include full details of all parties concerned, addresses, contact details, terms of the transaction, property value, the figures that will change hands, property upkeep and maintenance matters, bank details, payment methods, and the like.

It is always best to ask a real estate attorney or a professional writer with a background in real estate and legal matters to draft the property letter because once reviewed and approved, it becomes legally binding on all parties concerned.

Before signing on the dotted line, it is also best to run the property letter through someone whose feedback you value.


[Designation (if any)]
[Organization (if any)]

Dear [Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last name],

Thank you for taking the time to show me around your beautiful house, [Address]. I appreciate it.

I am now writing to confirm I intend to purchase your house by November 2011.

I understand you are the sole owner of the property and will transfer the ownership of the house through pertinent documents to me within three days of closing the property.

As advised by you, I will get in touch with your real estate attorney to schedule a meeting later this month to close the property.

I understand your asking price for the apartment is $[#], which I must say is on the higher side. However, the premium price is in my opinion well worth it as it is offset by the location of the house and the breathtaking almost-180-degree view of the Blue Ridge Mountains it affords!

I have only a couple years until retirement and I intend to spend the rest of my life traveling the world along with my partner and returning to recharge my cells to what is today your home.

I must tell you that the most exciting feature of your house is without doubt the subterranean floor which overlooks the valley. I honestly admit I was taken aback when our mutual acquaintance, [Name], showed me a picture of the house and revealed the asking price.

My first reaction was, 'For this!'

Of course, I had to sort of eat my words when you ushered me downstairs for my first view of the subterranean floor and the visual treat that awaited me!

I have already become the envy of my friends and can't wait to move in by the end of this year.

Thank you for your time.

I hope to meet you again soon.

