Sample Thank You to Customer Letters

Write this type of letter when you are expressing thanks to a customer, such as thanking a customer for his or her business or referral of other customers. You will likely need to modify this letter sample at least somewhat so that it most closely matches what you want to communicate. Include in your letter any pertinent details.

[Your letterhead, if desired; if not, your return address]

[Date of letter-month, day, and year]

[Recipient's first and last names]
[Company name]
[Street or P.O. box address]
[City, State ZIP code]

Dear [recipient's name]:

We are writing to you today to thank you for being a valued and loyal customer of our business for the past 14 years. We have always appreciated and enjoyed serving your home décor needs and also want to thank you for referring so many other new customers to us. As you can imagine, we simply could not do what we do or be as successful as we've always been, were it not for customers like you.

So again, thank you, and to express our appreciation, we have enclosed a 25% off coupon, to go toward your next purchase at our store. With the holidays fast approaching, it's the perfect time to use these savings toward unique gifts for all of your loved ones. We look forward to seeing you in the near future!




[Sender's first and last names]