Pastor Appreciation Letter

Write this type of letter for a situation in which you are communicating appreciation to a pastor. You will likely need to modify this letter sample at least somewhat so that it most closely matches what you want to communicate. Include in your letter any pertinent details.

[Your letterhead, if desired; if not, your return address]

[Date of letter-month, day, and year]

[Recipient's first and last names]
[Company name]
[Street or P.O. box address]
[City, State ZIP code]

Dear [recipient's name]:

I just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much my family and I appreciate you as our pastor. Over the years that we have known you, time and time again you have been so supportive and caring toward us through both good and bad times. You have also provided so much wisdom and spiritual guidance.

Because it is the week that we pay special attention to honoring pastors, we thought it would be the perfect time to let you know how much we appreciate you. So thanks for all that you do and continue to do. It means the world to us.




[Sender's first and last names]