Hardship Letter - Mortgage


[Job Title]

Dear Ms./Mr. [Last name],

You cannot imagine the red-faced shame I feel to write you this letter in support of our application for a forbearance plan to avert a foreclosure.

Until about [#] months ago, I was almost smug about how the recession seemed to have spared my family and me, and that my wife and I were modestly gainfully employed. We were never rich. We count ourselves among America's middle-class and have both worked ourselves up through sheer hard work and determination.

Imagine our shock then when both of us came home one Thursday about [#] months ago to be told by the other that they had been laid off! We felt like we were the first ever couple in America to have been laid off on the same day.

That Thursday was the turning point for us. Things started to go downhill from that day onward. My wife had rejoined the workforce after a long sabbatical and her savings and investments were virtually nonexistent. I remain unemployed while my wife now struggles to make ends meet as an independent consultant.

All that we virtually have now is our dignity and our home of 14 years. We can now afford no more than $[Amount] as the mortgage payment. If you take away our home from us, we doubt if we will be able to salvage our dignity.

Please approve the forbearance plan and allow us more time to get back on our feet. We promise we intend to resume making the full mortgage payments as soon as we can.    

Please help us. All that we ask for is more time.

If you have any questions or need more information, please let us know.

Thank you very much for your understanding.



[Account No.]