Letter to Customer to Apologize for
Backordered/Delayed Shipment

Write this type of letter to a customer when you are apologizing for a shipment from your company that has been delayed or backordered. Include any relevant details, such as the product name(s), item number(s), and details on when the backordered item(s) will be shipped

[Your letterhead, if desired; if not, your return address]

[Date of letter—month, day, and year]

[Recipient's first and last names]
[Company name]
[Street or P.O. box address]
[City, State ZIP code]

Dear [recipient's name]:

We are writing to you today to inform you that the mattress you ordered, Dream Sleep Mattress (item number 3829278), is currently backordered. Therefore, the mattress shipment has been delayed. We anticipate that the mattress will ship to you within 14 business days, and you will receive an email containing the shipment tracking number when the item ships.

We apologize for this shipping delay and thank you for your patience and understanding. Please contact us if you have further questions regarding this. Finally, thank you for your business. We truly appreciate our customers’ support.




[Sender's first and last names]